Development > Suspend Development tools was probably the way to go. I
was so busy looking for a "Preference" I missed seeing that in the
Development menu

In the mean time, since I already have a front-script that had a
commandKeyDown message handler for other things, I just added a
condition for the letter p to invoke my print command vs being passed to
the IDE

To one of Richmond's points - one I have no idea whether it is
technically possible in the LiveCode architecture or not, but if it is -
I'd really like an "Run As App mode where my desktop app behaved exactly
like a Standalone but with access to the debugger/script editor


A inclusion option, where I could embed the script editor/debugger in my
Standalone, so that I can debug bugs that surface in the standalone and
mysteriously disappear in the IDE. I guess that would be sort of like
replacing the errordialog with some sort of call to the debugger?

Anyway, thank you all.

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