The situation was (and still is) that there's no straight C or C++ SDK so iOS 
and Mac cross compiles fine but Windows they only have C# which if we can make 
externals with its news to me. The logical way to support using these Apis on 
all platforms is to implement in script but that is obviously more costly than 
hooking up Google's maintained SDK. As far as server goes it's a little 
trickier as you would need to do something different for authentication.



Sent from my iPhone

> On 20 May 2016, at 5:15 AM, Roger Eller <> wrote:
> Yes, I just saw it is for Mac too.  And as it goes, my PC/Windows only
> users are the group using spreadsheets the most.  A LC server port could
> possibly bridge the functionality to other platforms, although it might
> require the server to be a Mac so it can use the OS X external.

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