Well: every a sucker for repeating mistakes as many times as possible, I
opened my sample
PDF in Inkscape and then saved it as an EPS file, then tried to import
it into Metacard 2.4;
which promptly crashed.
Of course this, even were it to work, would be useless in terms of batch
processing tons of PDF files.
As previously observed . . . I wonder if the *OpenOfficeOrg **_Open
Source_* routine for converting PDF files into text
could not be co-opted by Livecode ?
On 1.04.2016 03:47, Richard Gaskin wrote:
I may need to extract text from a fair number of PDFs (hundreds). I
can find all sorts of third-party tools to do that, many of them free
and easy to use, but I'd prefer to integrate this step into some other
things I need to do with the files.
The format isn't as simple as Word or docx, though. I'm not even sure
if we have support in LC for the compression used in the text streams.
Lots of parts there.
Anyone here have a library or external for extracting text from PDFs?
Ideally a good solution would be available for Win, Mac, and Linux.
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