I personally use Geoff's Navigator all the time. I find it indispensable! I 
have never liked the Application Browser.

I’m always surprised at how few people have even heard of the Navigator - let 
alone actually using it - despite the fact that it is bundled with LiveCode.

Thanks again, Geoff.

Paul Looney

> On Nov 26, 2015, at 7:50 PM, Geoff Canyon <gcan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Have you tried Navigator? It is a very simple list view, fairly quick, can
> be made small and collapses down even smaller, and allows for multiple
> instances so you can see/work with many separate stacks at the same time.
> I only kinda sorta support it though, so your mileage may vary. The version
> included with LC is nowhere near up to date. I can send you a more recent
> one if you like. Also, I haven't updated Navigator at all for LC 8, so I
> don't know at all how well it handles the new LCB controls.

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