On 11/8/2015 7:27 AM, James Hale wrote:
> Recently there was some discussion concerning the use of hidden groups with 
> the tab control. An app I am working on currently uses a tab control with 
> five tabs that currently go to different cards. The cards concerned all share 
> a number of other controls responsible for about 60% of their area with the 
> tabbed panel taking the rest. Some of the panels are simply variations of 
> another (e.g. Simple vs complex search).
> I am now wondering whether there would be an advantage in reducing these five 
> cards down to one and use the hidden group method.
> Given I am not starting from scratch my question is, would there be 
> advantages to me in making this transition?
> So for those of you employing this method, why do you?
> Is it having a single card script?
> Is it keeping the stack structure simple?
> Is it...?
> I would be very interested in your thoughts.

I use a single card and multiple groups when the majority of the UI is
(or will be) the same - i.e there would be a lot of common controls on
different cards

I use multiple cards when the UI for each card is substantially different.

So it is basically a linear scale with tabbed groups being on one end
where there a lot of common UI elements and tabbed cards being on the
other end with little common UI elements. Where the dividing line is is
probably a matter of personal preference. Organization of handlers plays
a role in the choice as well. Recently, I have been leaning more towards
multiple groups as I find accessing the objects and scripts in the IDE
via the Application Browser a bit easier.

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