Roland Huettmann wrote:
> I find links on LiveCodes web pages to guide pages are broken and user
> guides are not accessible.
> The user guide for first deployment on Android is where now? The last
> guide i worked with uses not updated information. I could possibly
> help with that. But would it not have to be updated frequently?
> Could all guides receive a date-time stamp and reference to LC
> versions for users to understand their context?
> I suggest creating a tester group where each one tests user guides
> frequently, and updates would be frequent as well.

Thank you for your offer to help with the online guides.

My request here was about the User Guide in PDF format included in the LiveCode installation. Please feel free to pass along any errors or omissions you may find there.

As for the web-based guides, those are in the process of being migrated to GitHub's markdown, and will be posted to the LiveCode repository there soon:

In my Community meeting with Fraser Gordon, one of the core team developers, he let me know that they're putting together a helpful Getting Started with Documentation page for the Github site, and once that's in place we can start coordinating community efforts to update the many web-based guides along with the Dictionary entries.

Regarding the 404 URLs, yes, with the many changes to their site they've had even more broken links than Apple. :)

A few months ago I submitted a request to put redirects in place so those links throughout our community can continue to work:

 Richard Gaskin
 LiveCode Community Manager

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