
LC 8 is still in dev stage. It should not be used for production work. The most recent version officially available for production work is LC 7.0.6. The latest version officially available for text-intensive projects that aren't unicode-compatible yet is 6.7.6. Please, don't recommend dev versions for production work.


Op 9/18/2015 om 10:41 schreef Neil Roger:
Hi Tiemo,

HiDPI support was added in LiveCode 6.6RC2. You will have to upgrade to at least this version for text to look crisp although I would highly recommend starting to use LiveCode 8 ;)

More information on this can be found here-

Kind Regards,

Neil Roger

LiveCode Technical Support Lead <>

+44 (0) 845 219 8923.
25A Thistle Street Lane South West, Edinburgh, EH2 1EW

Facebook <> Twitter <> Youtube <> Linkedin <>

On 18/09/2015 09:23, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:

using LC 6.5.2 and the standard text font tahoma, all texts in fields and buttons look blurred on a retina display in a standalone, compared to a text
program or even the finder texts. Because I don't have a retina display
myself I only can test with the feedback of a customer.

Is there anything I can do in LC? Is it the 6.5.2. engine itself? Are
different font rendered in different ways? On Windows we have OTF and TTF font, which are rendered in different ways. Is there something similar on Mac? Which is the preferred font on Mac and windows, if it is not anymore
Tahoma? Or do we just have to live with a blurred LC program?

Any hints appreciated


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