> When I run this simple test on my Mac (no client / server),
> it works no matter how many successive "get URLdecode(it)"
> lines :
>   get "the sky is blue"
>   get compress(it)
>   get base64encode(it)
>   get URLencode(it)
>   get URLdecode(it)
>   get URLdecode(it)
>   get base64decode(it)
>   get decompress(it)
>   put it
> So, if Apache already does URLdecode in a POST request,
> why does decompress throw an error ?
> Could it be that the Apache URLdecode screws the content
> of the string ?

I think using urlDecoding twice will cause trouble if the original string that 
is UrlEncoded contains a character that can be decoded. For example, compare 

  get "the sky is blue"
  get URLencode(it)
  get URLdecode(it)
  get URLdecode(it)
  put it

 get "three + two + one"
  get URLencode(it)
  get URLdecode(it)
  get URLdecode(it)
  put it

The output in the second is not the same as the original.
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