I’m happy to be wrong on this, but it’s my understanding that startUp is only 
seen by a standalone… and that "Handle the startup message 
 if you want to do initialization or other tasks when the application 
<applewebdata://77C7FDE9-8161-4549-92CB-9651D225E54F/glossary/a/23.xml>” in the 
dictionary is literal.

I’m currently just building for iOS… so, I place the startUp handler in the 
stack script and include the ‘mobile’ only things like:
  iphoneSetAllowedOrientations "landscape left,landscape right"
  Or, when I load sounds (thank you Scott Rossi) as the app opens:

   put specialFolderPath("engine") &"/"& "tm_btn_eletro_23.wav" into 
   mobileSetSoundChannelVolume "Ch1","0" -- sets the volume to mute
   mobilePlaySoundOnChannel gNumberButtonSound, "Ch1","now"

My projects are only one stack… so, if I put dispatch in the openStack handler, 
it sees the startUp handler and throws an error:

on openStack 
   dispatch "startUp"
end openStack

be well,

Randy Hengst

> On Jul 5, 2015, at 11:23 AM, dunb...@aol.com wrote:
> Hi.
> The dictionary says the message goes to the first stack in a new session. But 
> I think the reason you are not trapping it if you place a handler in the 
> stack script, and open that stack in a new session, is that other stacks open 
> before the one you, say, double click on in the finder.
> Or I am wrong about that.
> Craig
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dr. Hawkins <doch...@gmail.com>
> To: How to use LiveCode <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com>
> Sent: Sun, Jul 5, 2015 11:19 am
> Subject: where does "startup" message go when in IDE
> I've found the startup message, to be sent to the first stack opened.
> It
> seems useful, but I haven't been able to trap it in the IDE.
> In particular, I
> found an incantation to hide the stack or some such for
> use at the command
> line.
> Is it going to an IDE card?  Could I simulate it with a
> if the
> environment is "development" then
> dispatch "startup" to me
> end if
> as
> the first item of preOpenStack of the main stack (hmm, I suppose
> in
> beforePreOpenStack . . .)
> -- 
> Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
> (702)
> 508-8462
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