Thanks for the info. I got to the forum and perhaps Guglielmo is updating the 
library, because the link to the download is broken. I posted a request for a 
new link.

> On May 7, 2015, at 6:21 AM, Mike Kerner <mikeker...@roadrunner.com> wrote:
> As far as dropbox goes, we use it in our apps frequently.  We use
> Gugliermo's library to accomplish the task.  It's free and open and the
> code is open.  Monte's Dropbox external has the advantage of not being
> blocking, so your app doesn't have to wait while you're accessing dropbox.
> On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 10:48 AM, William Prothero <proth...@earthednet.org>
> wrote:
>> Folks:
>> I guess everybody has been busy recovering from the lc server fiasco. BUT,
>> I’d really appreciate some input from the wisdom of those who have gone
>> boldly before me, before I get into expensive, frustrating and
>> time-consuming blind alleys.
>> So, if you’ve ever tried to record sounds on iOS, or addressed any of the
>> other 2 issues listed below, please, please, jot a few impressions or
>> directions.
>> Best regards,
>> Bill
>>> On May 4, 2015, at 11:33 AM, William Prothero <proth...@earthednet.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Folks:
>>> I’ve been getting more and more into iOS development and need some
>> direction. If you have input on any of the questions below, I’d appreciate
>> it very much. I’d like to implement solutions that will last well into LC8.
>>> 1. Can iOS do audio recording, without Xtras? If not, is mergAV a good
>> choice? It has much more capability than I currently need, but may be the
>> best solution for the future. With mergeAV, I’d also get (I think) the
>> capability to determine the play time of audio files, go to a specific spot
>> in an audio file, etc. These are listed as video capabilities on the
>> mergeEXT site, but I assume they would also work for audio (Monte?)
>>> 2. Is it possible for LC to link to iTunes songs. Seems I really only
>> need to determine the directory. I notice there is also a mergeMP extra,
>> but since I’ll just be playing a selected audio file, I wonder if it is
>> needed.
>>> 3. What is the simplest way to store a file in the iOS dropbox (or
>> Google Drive)? Do I need an external for that?
>>> 4. Is it possible (or feasible) to store data in the user’s iCloud
>> storage?
>>> Comment: the LC implementation of the AV Foundation capabilities is
>> really minimal. The standalone player is very nice. It would be great if
>> the mobile system had the same capabilities.
>>> My questions are those that I have and can’t find dictionary or lesson
>> entries, or Google answers for. Also, with LC8 coming out, I’d like to use
>> a minimum of externals.
>>> Thanks for any input.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Bill
>>> William A. Prothero
>>> http://es.earthednet.org/
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> -- 
> On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
> On the second day, God created the oceans.
> On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
>   and did a little diving.
> And God said, "This is good."
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