Android can delay notifications for power saving reasons. As I understand it 
the more there are from one app and the less the user interacts with them, the 
more likely they are to be delayed.

I think to do what you want more reliably you'd need to use background 
processing (wake up every 30 seconds, clear the current notification and 
replace with a new one) and I don't think LiveCode enables you to that yet.


Sent from my iPhone

> On 3 Apr 2015, at 05:27, J. Landman Gay <> wrote:
> Is anyone using local notifications on Android? I need to know more about how 
> they work and I can't find much online about it.
> I need to send notifications every half hour for a 5-minute period, 30 
> seconds apart. I have this working in theory; notifications are scheduled 
> correctly and mostly fire on time until the user opens the app, when I cancel 
> any pending ones.
> First issue: often some alerts do not trigger at all, or trigger 
> sporadically, or are significantly delayed (up to 2 minutes late.) A 5-minute 
> interval will have 10 notifications if the user does not respond. Sometimes 
> fewer icons appear in the status bar than audio alerts were heard. Sometimes 
> more icons appear than audio alerts.
> Second issue: I would like a way to replace an existing notification icon 
> with the next one (every 30 seconds) so that there is only one at a time, but 
> I don't see how we can do that. If the phone is sleeping or the app is 
> backgrounded we have no control, so to overcome that I need to schedule all 
> 10 alerts in a block while the app is frontmost. When those come due they all 
> stack up in the notification bar until the user opens the app (when I cancel 
> them all.)
> So briefly, I need:
> Alerts to trigger on time, every 30 seconds, with no delay
> A subsequent alert should replace an existing alert
> The timely delivery is more important than the multiple icons in the status 
> bar. Does anyone know how Android prioritizes these? What are the rules for 
> the "default" priority, which I assume is what we've got.
> There are no other apps running on the phone, and it has no cell service. It 
> is intended to be a dedicated device for this one app, so there shouldn't be 
> anything else running except for normal OS operations.
> -- 
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
> HyperActive Software           |
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