GMTA: the folder where I keep my experimental server stacks is named
"LiveNode". :)
Good stuff here, a very useful and practical pursuit, IMO, in a world
where one of the largest MMOs is also written in a high-level scripting
language (EVE Online, in Python) so we know it's more than possible to
consider a full-stack server solution entirely written in LiveCode:
David Bovill wrote:
> The question is can you create in Livecode an aynchronous event-drive
> architecture? Livecode is built after all around an event loop, and
> through commands like dispatch, send in time, and wait with messages,
> it is possible to create asynchronous call back mechanisms - so why
> can we not create a node-like server in Livecode?
> Perhaps the answer lies in the nature of the asynchronous commands
> that are available? Still I don't see why this in an issue. From
> my experience of coding an HTTP server in Livecode - I cannot
> understand why it should not be possible to accept a socket
> connection, dispatch a command, and immediately return a result on
> the connected socket. The event loop should take over and allow
> new connections / data on the socket, and when the dispatched
> command completes it will return a result that can then be send
> back down the open socket.
I've been pondering similar questions myself:
Pierre's been exploring this even longer:
With socket I/O apparently handled asynchronously when the "with
<message>" option is used, this is a very tempting pursuit.
The challenge arises from the recipient of the message: it will be
running in the same thread as the socket broker, causing a backlog of
message queueing; requests are received well enough, but responding
requires then to be processes one at a time.
Down the road we may have some form of threading, though that's not
without programming complication and threads are somewhat expensive in
terms of system resources (though there are options like "green threads"
at least one Python build uses).
Working with what we have, Mark Talluto, Todd Geist, and I (and probably
others) have been independently exploring concurrency options using
multiprocessing in lieu of multithreading, using a single connection
broker feeding processing to any number of worker instances.
The challenge there is that the LC VM is not currently forkable, so we
can't pass a socket connection from the broker to a child worker process.
Instead, we have to look at more primitive means, which tend toward two
camps (though I'm sure many others are possible):
a) Consistent Socket Broker
The socket broker handles all network I/O with all clients, and
feeds instructions for tasks to workers via sockets, stdIn, or
even files (/sys/shm is pretty fast even though it uses simple
file routines).
The upside here is that any heavy processing is distributed among
multiple workers, but the downside is that all network I/O still
goes through one broker process.
b) Redirects to Multiple Workers
Here the main socket broker listening on the standard port only
does one thing: it looks at a list of available workers (whether
through simple round-robin, or something smarter like load
reporting), each of which is listening on a non-standard port,
and sends the client a 302 redirect to the server with that
non-standard port so each worker is handling the socket comms
directly and only a subset of them. If each worker also has
its own collection of sub-workers as in option a) above, this
could greatly multiple the number of clients served concurrently.
The upside is that all aspects of load are distributed among
multiple processes, even socket I/O, but the downside is the
somewhat modest but annoying requirement that each request
be submitted twice, once to the main broker and again to the
redirected instance assigned to handle it.
Purpose-built application servers can indeed be made with the LiveCode
we have today and can handle reasonable amounts of traffic, more than
one might think for a single-threaded VM.
But all systems have scaling limits, and the limits with LC would be
encountered sooner than with some other systems built from the ground up
as high-load servers.
IMO such explorations can be valuable for specific kinds of server apps,
but as tempting as it is I wouldn't want to build a general purpose Web
server with LiveCode. In addition to the scope of the HTTP 1.1 spec
itself, Web stuff consists of many small transactions, in which a single
page may require a dozen or more requests for static media like CSS, JS,
images, etc., and Apache and NgineX are really good solutions that
handle those needs well.
I think the sweet spot for an entirely LiveCode application server would
be those apps where backend processing load exceeds network I/O.
As interesting as these things are, I have to admit I currently have no
practical need for such a creature, so my brief experiments have been
few and limited to an occasional Sunday with a free hour on my hands. :)
If you have such a need it would be interesting to see how these things
flesh out under real-work load.
> Assuming there is an issue with the above, the next question is
> that given that Node already can be extended with C / C++
> extensions api - so why not treat Livecode as simply a Node
> extension and let Node do the async event driven I/O that it is
> so good at?
I have no direct experience with either Node.js or NgineX, so I'm out of
my depth here - but that won't stop me from conjecturing <g>:
My understanding is that LiveCode, being single-threaded today, is
limited to CGI, while Node.js and NgineX expect FastCGI (forkable) support.
If you can get LiveCode to run well under Node.js I'd be very interested
to see what you come up with.
Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Systems
Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
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