Le 18 mars 2015 à 17:57, Mark Schonewille <m.schonewi...@economy-x-talk.com> a 
écrit :

> Hi Ludovic,
> You need to add intent filters to the manifest. More info at
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3760276/android-intent-filter-associate-app-with-file-extension
> You need to find a way to change the manifest before the standalone is built 
> or to unpack the apk, change the manifest and repack it.

Thanks !

It is not recommended  to modify the "Manifest.xml" directly on the livecode 
folder app ?
How modify it during the standalone saving ? With the savingMobileStandalone 
handler but how intercept the "Manifest" file ?

Note (OT) : there is a big bug when you have accentued chars in the names of 
files (or folders) you want to add to the standalone (with the "copy files" 
section of the Standalone Settings). There is always a "APK preparation failed" 
: Bug 12406
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