I'm happy to announce the release of v1.3.6 of SQLiteAdmin, an SQLite
Database administration tool. This is a free release for current users.

SQLiteAdmin provides a GUI-based approach to creating your database schema
including many capabilities not possible within the SQLite language, and
browsing and editing the data in your databases.  A free trial version is
available at www.lcsql.com/sqliteadmin.htm
<http://www.lcsql.com/sqliteadmin.html>.  Please note that the current
price of $24.99 will be increased to $29.99 on Sunday March 8th, 2015.

The complete release notes for v1.3.6 are available at
http://tinyurl.com/o746roq.  Some notable enhancements are:

   - Support for inserting and viewing BLOB columns
   - The ability to create database diagrams in various formats showing the
   foreign key relationships between tables and a list of columns and
   constraints in each table.
   - Separate preference settings for each database you open.
   - Open a database by drag/dropping it onto the SQLiteAdmin application
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