It doesn’t sound too difficult to make the
app cross-platform.  The problem would
be the needed testing before a release
and that may involve owing the different
computers etc. to make sure the app is
running properly.  More time and money
and without a good place to market it.  I
can build my own website and get the
needed computers for testing and do
the cross-platform code later.

If Apple takes 30% then I will price it so
that cost is included.  If the app is good
enough people will still buy it.

John Balgenorth

On Feb 26, 2015, at 6:27 PM, Kay C Lan <> wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 10:11 AM, JB <> wrote:
>> That solves my problem of trying
>> to code and sell the app to those
>> who do not own a Mac.
>> But isn't that why you code in LC, so it's easy to create crossplatform
> apps?
> Actually, that's a stupid statement. I don't code in LC because I want to
> create cross platform apps, I code in LC because it's the well endowed
> grandchild of HyperCard and HyperTalk was the only programming language
> that my brain every really cottoned on to. HC was not cross platform and I
> never cared, I only really create stacks for myself. But the fact that LC
> is so talented and capable and can create apps for other platforms, and do
> so in the same simple language that my grey matter can fool others into
> thinking that I can 'program computers' it means that I have actually
> created the odd Win, Linux and iOS apps.
> Whilst it isn't the 'one code' for all platform hype the glossy LC adverts
> extol, depending on how many non-Mac users become interested in your
> creation, the more that 30% take by Apple may seem better invested in your
> time to look at the needed platform specific code changes for you app. (As
> many of the answer could be found free from this List, it could be time
> well spent)
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