
Thanks for that.

Disbelieving soul that I am (sorry), I puzzled for a while over the results of 
these two versions. 

on mouseup
   put empty into msg
     put "abc" & CR & "def" & CR & "ghi" & CR  into t
     repeat for each line L in t
           put the number of chars in L && L &CR after msg
           if L = "abc" then
                 put "x" into line 2 of t
                 put "y" into line 3 of t
           end if
     end repeat
end mouseup

[no final CR on original t]
on mouseup
   put empty into msg
     put "abc" & CR & "def" & CR & "ghi"  into t
     repeat for each line L in t
           put the number of chars in L && L &CR after msg
           if L = "abc" then
                 put "x" into line 2 of t
                 put "y" into line 3 of t
           end if
     end repeat
end mouseup

I had to use a pencil and paper to track what was in t and what the engine was 
referring to after the "x" and "y" inserts. Then it became clear.

I feel a better person. 


> On 16 Feb 2015, at 23:08, Alex Tweedly <> wrote:
> That's not quite correct. It doesn't do a single initial complete scan of the 
> whole variable and keep all the pointers. What it does is (more like) keep 
> track of how far it has currently processed, and then when it needs the next 
> line, it scans from that remembered position forward until the next CR - and 
> then remembers that as the current position.  (Oh, and btw, it does remember 
> how many chars were in the initial value, and uses that).
> The fact that it does incremental scan rather than one initial scan can be 
> seen from the following (totally useless :-) bit of code :
> on mouseup
>   put "abc" & CR & "def" & CR & "ghi" & CR into t
>   repeat for each line L in t
>      put the number of chars in L && L &CR after msg
>      if L = "abc" then
>         put "x" into line 2 of t
>         put "qwert" after line 3 of t
>      end if
>   end repeat
> end mouseup
> An initial scan would have produced  :
> 3 abc
> 3 x
> g
> 3 ijq
> But we actually get:
> 3 abc
> 1 x
> 6 ghiqwe
> It is significant that it doesn't do a complete scan, because that would be a 
> cost penalty at the start of the loop, and so could make it unnecessarily 
> expensive to do some operations. Again that can be seen from the following 
> (take out of context) snippet of not quite real code ....
> put "millions and millions of lines of data" into tVar
> repeat for each line L in tvar
>   if some condition then exit repeat
> end repeat
> If there were an initial scan, then you would do that whole costly scan even 
> though you could actually exit the loop very early; because it's an 
> incremental scan, you don't need to worry about that (so long as you are sure 
> you will exit soon).
> -- Alex.

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