I've completes a rough spec on a new mobile app. Am busy studying now all the tutorials. So far it look very good in terms of LC being able to support everything we have in our minds.

Audio and video are going to be key components.


From all that I have read, it appears that the only option for YouTube is to use a browser instance with their embed code. ergo, user must be online. Today, reading YouTube terms of service, it explicitly states that only sanctioned players are allowed and these html5 objects/iFrame embed/some "aas" embed thing...which would rule out direct streaming into a LC video player.

Am I wrong? I read through earlier posts and forum posts on this... I don't think anything has changed.

Video Direct Streaming: Sadly: setting the URL of a player to, e.g. "http://www.himalayanacademy.com/media/video/the-history-of-hindu-india_part-1_ta/the-history-of-hindu-india_part-1_ta_720p.mp4";

does not work on the desktop,but does in a browser (why not in LC?) I think Josh was asking about this in another thread.


Happily... setting a player object to "http://www.himalayanacademy.com/*/some.mp3";

Any problem with this streaming audio in Mobile?

If we add a "download and save to my library" will Apple allow the download of such media?

I wonder if it is better to download it to their media library.... but the we have to mess with the iOS or Android native music/audio apps.. which I'm loath to do.

What are you doing? For your mobile video/audio?

Swasti Astu, Be Well!

Kauai's Hindu Monastery

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