OK, it seems like you do get the payload when opening the app from the
notification centre on iOS8 but not iOS6. I’m not sure about iOS7 because
I haven’t got another device that I can test it on. Does anyone know?


On 17/10/2014 12:31 pm, "Terry Judd" <terry.j...@unimelb.edu.au> wrote:

>That¹s disappointing. Just to get this straight, the only time I get the
>payload is if the app is open - either when the notification arrives or if
>I select it from the Œlist¹ available when swiping down from the top of
>the screen. If the app isn¹t open then no payload via any method.
>On 17/10/2014 11:51 am, "Mike Kerner" <mikeker...@roadrunner.com> wrote:
>>you don't.  There are several open bug reports on push, and that's one of
>>them.  If the app isn't running and the user opens it via the
>>no payload.  If they open it via the notification center, payload.
>>On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 7:02 PM, Terry Judd <terry.j...@unimelb.edu.au>
>>> Just starting with push notifications and have managed to get a simple
>>> example working using the livecode example code and AWS¹s SNS service.
>>> far so good!
>>> Now, in the livecode example it an Œalert¹ and a Œpayload¹ are sent.
>>> payload is received if the app is open and the alert is displayed if it
>>> isn¹t. How do you capture the payload if the app isn¹t open ­ for
>>> if you wanted to display it when the user taps the notification alert?
>>> TerryŠ
>>> Dr Terry Judd<
>>> http://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=XC5s6wwAAAAJ&hl=en>
>>> Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
>>> Medical Education
>>> The University of Melbourne
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