On 10/12/2014, 7:42 PM, la...@significantplanet.org wrote:
On the other hand, it is giving me fits having to go from regular quotes
to curly quotes (for counting) and then back to regular quotes for
display (since LC displays a curly quote as some oddball char). But if
I could write my own function for that stuff, wow.
I think I'd just make a copy of the text in a variable, delete all the
quotes, and count the words. After you get the count, discard the
variable. You don't need to reconstruct it.
I do not have ANY experience with frontscripts, backscripts, plug-ins,
You can do what you want once you learn about that stuff. Many of us
have custom libraries, frontscripts, and backscripts that help us work.
You could start here:
A backscript is just a script you write that you can put into the
message path; it receives messages after everything else gets a shot at
them. The script can live in any object; buttons are common storage
places. That's probably what you're looking for.
A frontscript is the same as a backscript only it gets messages before
anything else; I'd avoid those until you understand the message path
pretty well. See the link above.
A library behaves like a backscript, only the script has to be in the
script of another stack; the stack is opened and put in use. The
difference between a library and a backscript is minimal, except
libraries get a message when they're first opened so they can respond if
necessary. There used to be a slight difference in the layering order
too, but I'm not sure whether that's still valid. Practically speaking,
it's unimportant.
A plugin isn't what you want; it's just a stack that carries out some
specific actions, and the IDE makes it available in the menu for
Jacqueline Landman Gay | jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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