On 10/8/2014, 9:44 AM, Terence Heaford wrote:
There is without doubt issues with the way livecode handles Mac
Again along with the geometry issues noted in an earlier post this is
making Livecode unusable as I cannot get consistent results.
It not only applies to 6.7 but also 6.6.4.
I have been evaluating both LiveCode and Xojo for a few months now
and although I prefer scripting languages rather than basic I can say
at least Xojo works in this area.
I have thought about reporting a bug but this is so fundamental I
don’t see why I should. If I had purchased LiveCode I would now be
thinking “what a waste of money”, fortunately I am using the
community edition so am only wasting my time in researching and
posting this.
You're right it has to do with menus, but it isn't a bug, it's how menus
work. When they become available soon, you may want to view my RevLive
talk on menus which goes into some detail about the behavior. There is
also a summary in my tutorial here:
In short, a menu group on a Mac is scrolled up out of view. The size of
the card remains the same but the size of the window does not. When
editMenus are false (menus are scrolled out of view, the default that
Menu Builder sets) try this:
on resizeStack x,y
put y && the height of this stack
end resizeStack
You will get two different numbers, and if you are using the default
menubar size, the difference is 22 pixels. This behavior has been in all
versions of LC since 1.0, and in MetaCard before that.
Now set the editmenus of the stack to true -- which removes the menu
from the system menu and puts the group back into the stack where you
can see it. The stack window changes to accomodate it. Run the above
handler again and the two numbers will be identical.
On Windows machines, the two numbers are always identical because
Windows always shows the menu inside the stack.
For cross-platform work, use the number passed in the parameter in the
resizeStack handler. It represents the true size of the card and
geometry rearrangements will work consistently.
Next time just ask before you get frustrated. That's why we're here.
Jacqueline Landman Gay | jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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