Hi Peter,
I'm not sure what you're exactly looking for in "looks" but I just now made
a little test stack with colored buttons.
You can adjust the blendlevel so that the group is as opaque or as
transparent as you wish it to be.
That's one idea.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Haworth" <p...@lcsql.com>
To: "How to use LiveCode" <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2014 10:20 AM
Subject: Usng an image to "disable" a group
I have a stack with a series of groups on it. I need to control the order
in which data is entered into the groups. The obvious/easy way is to
enable/disable the groups as needed but I'm not happy with the way groups
look when they are disabled.
I vaguely remember a thread about using images to do this since clicks
within the image don't make it through to the underlying controls. When I
tried this, clicks on buttons that were under the image did not trigger
mouse events on them, as hoped, but field controls still get focus and I
can type into them.
It seems like this isn't going to work so looking for other ways to
this without having to go through every control in the group and adjusting
their properties to disable them. Alternatively, is there a way to
how a group looks when it is disabled?
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