Hi Charles,

I made a plug-in (donationware) which makes sure that windows open inside a visible screen rect and not off-screen. I could extend it and make it remember window positions.


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Op 23-aug-2014, om 2:04 heeft Charles E Buchwald het volgende geschreven:

Hi List Folks,

I've been thinking about making a plugin that manages window positions or window layouts. If you are familiar with Adobe applications like Illustrator, Photoshop or InDesign, then you may have an idea of what I mean. Or perhaps you have used system-level utilities like Moom, Divvy, Shiftit, GridMove or WindowTidy.

The idea is that you can save the position of one or more of your windows, including IDE palettes and so on, as a named set. Then you can switch back to those positions when you select that set again.

So, for example, one might have a window layout for working on iPhone apps and another for tablet apps... or one for a dual monitor setup vs. a single monitor setup... or for working on server scripts... or all of the above. I switch back and forth between my laptop on its own, and my laptop open and next to a second monitor, so this would be really useful.

Firstly: does anyone know of an existing LC plugin like this?

And of course: is anyone else interested in a plugin like this?

- Charles

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