Trevor at Blue Mango wrote a excellent article
about installing externals.  In it he said

Open the Externals.txt file (1), creating it if necessary.
You need to add one line to this file that tells Revolution
about your external. The line contains 2 items. The 1st
item is the name of your external as it appears in the
externalPackages property (2). In this example I'm using
the EnhancedQT external so that name is EnhancedQT.
The 2nd item is the name of the external file 

The problem I am having is with the name of the first item
which is the name of the external as it appears in the
externalPackages property.

In the lesson that name is EnhancedQT.  But the name of
the second item is the file name which in this case is

So both items togethor make the single line to add which is


That is pretty easy but the problem is the first item is not
always named the same as the file name.  It could have
been anything other than EnhancedQT.  If it was always
the name of the file name without the .Bundle this would
solve all the problems.

How do you get the name of the first item if you do not
know what it is.  You could try the name of the file and
not include the .Bundle and in this case you would get
lucky and it would work.

John Balgenorth

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