for the record
Pete wants to cycle trough tab delimited data in a scrolling field with the
tab key forward and tab-shift key to go backwards

The solutions I posted above don't take into account an empty cell.

Here is a script that places the cursor into  empty cells for data of type

data tab data tab data return
data tab empty tab

no return at the end of the field


on tabKey
   set the itemDelimiter to tab
   put the selectedChunk into tSelect
   if the shiftKey is down then
      put word 4 of tSelect into tIndex
      put word 2 of tSelect into tIndex
   end if
   if not ( the shiftKey is down) then
      -- find next tab
      put tIndex into tCounter
      put offset(tab,me,tCounter) into tNextTab
      if tNextTab > 0 then 
         add tNextTab to tCounter
         put tCounter into tForWardPos
         put the number of chars of me into tForwardPos
      end if
      -- find next return
      put offset(return,me,tIndex) into tNextReturn
      if tNextReturn <> 0 then
         add tIndex to tNextReturn
         put the number of chars of me into tNextReturn
      end if
      if (tNextReturn < tForwardPos) then
         select before char tNextReturn of me
      end if
      -- both have the number of chars as values, end of text
      if (tNextReturn = tForwardPos) then 
         select after char tNextReturn of me
      end if
      if (tNextReturn > tForwardPos) then
         select before char tForwardPos of me
      end if
   else --- shiftKey is down
      -- go backwards to find previous tab or return
      repeat with i = tIndex down to 0
         if char i of me = tab or char i of me = return or i  = 0  then
            put i into tFound
            exit repeat
         end if
      end repeat
      -- go forward to find from previous delimiter  
      -- next delim and place cursor before delim
      repeat with j = tFound to the number of chars of me
         if char j of me = tab or char j of me = return then
            put j into tFound
            exit repeat
         end if
      end repeat
      select before char tFound  of me
   end if
end tabKey

tested on LC 6.6.2, 6.7DP7, 7.0DP8

watch out for line breaks

Kind regards

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