Ok, FWIW, this appears to work:

put $_POST["username"] into tUsername
put $_POST["password"] into tPassword
put $_POST["email"] into tEmail
put url("file:users.txt") into tUserFile

repeat for number of lines in tUserFile
if item 1 of line 1 of tUserFile is tUsername then 
put "Sorry, username (" && tUserName && ") has already been used. Try another."
exit repeat
delete line 1 of tUserFile
end if
end repeat

if the number of lines of tUserFile <1 then
--put url(“file:users.txt") into tUserFile
put return & tUsername & "," & tPassword & "," & tEmail & "," & "Button 1" 
--after tUserFile
end if

--open file  "users.txt" for write
--write tUserFile to file "users.txt"
--close file "users.txt"
--put tUsername & "," & "Button 1"
--end AddNewPlayer


Thanks for the prodding Peter :)

John Patten

On Jul 31, 2014, at 6:50 PM, JOHN PATTEN <johnpat...@me.com> wrote:

> If I uncomment the repeat, the “Sorry, username already in use…" message does 
> not get triggered. It just activates the script following the “else” 
> statement when using a duplicate username.
> The only time it works is if it is the first username in my csv text list is 
> entered into the field to create an account. In this case John Patten is the 
> first user name listed in my CSV text file and when I enter it to create a 
> new account, it tells me it is already being used.
> However if I put in the second, third, etc. username, it will not give me the 
> correct message and drops down below my “else” and runs that script. 
> I’m wondering if I should just repeat for number of lines in csv file, check 
> line 1 username, and then delete the line, and repeat..., etc. until it goes 
> through list with no matching username, or finds a match and reports back the 
> duplicate username message.
> It seems like it should work just going through the if-then repeat loop, but 
> if it only works with items in the first line of the csv text file, I could 
> just make each item in my list the first line…
> Thank you!
> John Patten
> On Jul 31, 2014, at 6:21 PM, Peter W A Wood <peterwaw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Do you still have the comment at the start of the exit repeat line?
>>> --exit repeat
>> Regards
>> Peter
>> On 1 Aug 2014, at 09:15, JOHN PATTEN <johnpat...@me.com> wrote:
>>> Oops!  Yes, I had forgotten to rename that variable. That helps. 
>>> However, even when it identifies a duplicate it still allows the script 
>>> beyond the “else “ to execute. Plus, depending on what line the duplicate 
>>> username is located in my csv file, it loops that many times.
>>> So if username “John Patten” is on the third line of my csv text file, the 
>>> resulting “put” will look like the following:
>>> John Patten, password, jpat...@bmail.com, Button 1
>>> John Patten, password, jpat...@bmail.com, Button 1
>>> John Patten, password, jpat...@bmail.com, Button 1
>>> Sorry, username ( John Patten) has already been used. Try another.
>>> What I need to happen is the just the last line, otherwise it will create a 
>>> new entry for an existing user.
>>> Is there a solution to this, or does LiveCode server run straight through 
>>> if-then constructs?
>>> Thank you!
>>> John Patten
>>> SUSD
>>> On Jul 31, 2014, at 5:55 PM, Peter W A Wood <peterwaw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> To: How to use LiveCode <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com>
>>>> There seems to be a typo in your code:
>>>>> repeat for each line thisLine in tUserFile
>>>>> if item 1 of tLine is tUsername then 
>>>> I think that should be item 1 of thisLine
>>>> Regards
>>>> Peter
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