Hi Mark,

In DGH the properties palette is a datagrid with 1 level nodes.

I do not pretend this is the best or easiest way for accomplishing
this, but here is the code I'm using sucessfully in DGH to collapse
and expand a node in a datagrid.

command dg_TreeExpansionFromDG pTheDg, pTheIndex, pColNodeName,
pColChildName, pNodeValue, pColExpandedName, pIsDGHHelp
   local tIndexesList, tData, theIndex, tNewData, tKey, tDataArray,
tDataSourceRef, tSavedScroll

   put the dgData of pTheDg into tDataArray
   if (tDataArray[pTheIndex][pColNodeName] is pNodeValue) then
      ## Close the node
      if (tDataArray[pTheIndex][pColExpandedName]) then
         put the dgVScroll of pTheDg into tSavedScroll
         lock screen
         send "SetDataOfIndex pTheIndex, pColExpandedName, false" to pTheDg
         arrayLib_FindIndex tDataArray, pColNodeName, "=",
         put the result into tIndexesList
         send "DeleteIndex tIndexesList" to pTheDg
         send "RefreshList" to pTheDg
         set the dgVScroll of pTheDg to tSavedScroll
         unlock screen
         ## Open the node
         put "true" into tDataArray[pTheIndex][pColExpandedName]
         put the dgVScroll of pTheDg into tSavedScroll
         put the cDataSourceRef of pTheDg into tDataSourceRef
         put the dgData of tDataSourceRef into tData
         arrayLib_Find_Argument_Add pColNodeName, "=",
         if (pIsDGHHelp is not true) then
            arrayLib_Find_Argument_Add "View" && the dgPropListView of
_definePropertiesBehavior(), "=", "X" -- DGH only
         end if
         arrayLib_FindIndexByArg tData
         put the result into tIndexesList
         put arrayLib_ExtractKey(tData, tIndexesList) into tNewData
         put item 2 of the extents of tDataArray into theIndex
         repeat for each key tKey in tNewData
            add 1 to theIndex
            put tNewData[tKey] into tDataArray[theIndex]
         end repeat

         lock screen

         set the dgData of pTheDg to tDataArray
         dispatch "SortDataByKey" to pTheDg with pColChildName,
"numeric", "ascending", false
         set the dgVScroll of pTheDg to tSavedScroll
         set the dgHilitedIndex of pTheDg to pTheIndex
         unlock screen
      end if

   end if

end dg_TreeExpansionFromDG

And inside the datagrid column I have:

command TreeExpansion pTheIndex
   send "dg_TreeExpansionFromDG" && the dgControl of me & comma &
pTheIndex & comma & "Parent" & comma & "ID" & comma & "0" & \
      comma & "expanded" to the dgControl of me in 20 millisecs
end TreeExpansion

DGH is now open sources, so you can have easily a look in the other
handlers required.

The same code is used in the Excel Library documentation with a
datagrid form and nodes should be expanded and collapsed in a snap.


On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 7:20 AM, Mark <mfstu...@cox.net> wrote:
> I'd like to build a tree list style Datagrid or field control. But I'm stuck 
> on finishing this.
> Yeah I know, buy one from the community, but I'd rather build my own.
> So far I've built the script that loads the tree list, that will have 3 
> levels/nodes from a SQLite database.
> The collapsible and expandable nodes will have a 16x16 png image at the 
> beginning of the line which has already been imported into the stack and 
> referenced using the imageSource option in the load script.
> So far, so good.
> But this is where I'm stuck. I don't know how to build the script to collapse 
> and expand a node.
> Obviously when a node is collapsed or expanded, it has to "hide" or "show" 
> all its child lines. The selected line could be a 1st level node, which has 
> to collapse or expand the 2nd and 3rd levels.
> Again, the tree list is populated from a SQLite database.
> The lines without an image will be line types that call another script to 
> load another Datagrid when the user clicks on it.
> I've scouted the forum and user list for a solution. I've also looked at the 
> Dictionary stack scripts. They all seem way too complicated. I develop 
> applications using other tools and they already have tree view list contols. 
> So it's a easy-peasy to implement.
> I'd sure appreciate help with this.
> Thanx,
> Mark Stuart
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