For the first time, on OS X, I ran out of memory. Whilst Activity Monitor is good, it doesn’t really give you a way to log memory usage and trace areas that may be causing concern. So I googled the problem and discovered a LOT of answers involving php,ruby,awk,grep,pipes and a bunch of other stuff that suggested I could roll my own with LC. So at the bottom you’ll find a script that will output* some nice tab formatted memory and CPU info:
Physical Memory = 16 GB Free Active Inactive Spec. Wired Page In Page Out 2.16 GB 2.64 GB 0.79 GB 9.08 GB 1.32 GB 236138 0 Application Time % CPU % Mem Real Virtual Dock 0:17.13 0.0 1.7 0.27 GB 2.71 GB LiveCode661GM 105:56.16 15.7 1.4 0.22 GB 0.97 GB WebContent 1:05.35 0.0 1.1 0.17 GB 4.01 GB IconServicesAgent 0:04.12 0.0 1.0 0.16 GB 2.55 GB Dropbox 0:35.55 0.0 0.5 81.09 MB 0.98 GB BBEdit 101:41.12 0.0 0.4 66.02 MB 1.11 GB ManOpen 0:18.63 0.0 0.2 28.92 MB 2.49 GB RegExhibit 0:53.09 0.0 0.2 27.37 MB 0.73 GB BBEdit 0:00.09 0.0 0.0 1.73 MB 0.66 GB Currently you’ll note that my script is a switch structure with a single case for OS X. Win and Linux users may wish to add appropriate code to make this work for them. *The output above isn’t exactly what you’ll get from the script below. In my case, all my development tools live in a folder cryptically called ‘Development’, so I have some extra code that filters the ps output to the top 5 most % memory + all the running development apps. Any duplicates are removed. It will be noted that there are two records for BBEdit, but they are different, one is the program itself and the other is it’s crash reporter. For the curious: BBEdit is what I feed my log files into; ManOpen is a man page reader where I found the options for id and ps; RegExhibit is what I use to build and test regex entries for matchText etc. Known errors: if an app's Time exceeds 999:99.9 mins it will not be Listed !! be careful of line breaks, there's a very long regex entry for matchText() !! SCRIPTSCRIPTSCRIPTSCRIPT switch (the platform) case ("MacOS") --get the system physical memory put shell("sysctl -n hw.memsize") into tData put round(tData/1024/1024/1024,1) into tPhyMem --memory titles put "Physical Memory = " & tPhyMem & " GB" & cr & " Free " & tab & " Active " & tab & "Inactive" & tab & " Spec. " & tab & \ " Wired " & tab & " Page In" & tab & "Page Out" & cr into tOutput --get the virtual memory put shell("vm_stat") into tData put (word -2 of line 1 of tData)/1024/1024 into tPage put char 1 to -2 of word -1 of line 2 of tData * tPage into tFree put char 1 to -2 of word -1 of line 3 of tData * tPage into tActive put char 1 to -2 of word -1 of line 4 of tData * tPage into tInactive put char 1 to -2 of word -1 of line 5 of tData * tPage into tSpec put char 1 to -2 of word -1 of line 7 of tData * tPage into tWire put char 1 to -2 of word -1 of line 20 of tData into tPageIn put char 1 to -2 of word -1 of line 21 of tData into tPageOut if (tFree > 99) then --we want the number in GB put format("%5.2f",tFree/1024) & " GB" & tab after tOutput else --we want the numbers in MB put format("%5.2f",tFree) & " MB" & tab after tOutput end if if (tActive > 99) then --we want the number in GB put format("%5.2f",tActive/1024) & " GB" & tab after tOutput else --we want the numbers in MB put round(tActive,2) & " MB" & tab after tOutput end if if (tInactive > 99) then --we want the number in GB put format("%5.2f",tInactive/1024) & " GB" & tab after tOutput else --we want the numbers in MB put format("%5.2f",tInactive) & " MB" & tab after tOutput end if if (tSpec > 99) then --we want the number in GB put format("%5.2f",tSpec/1024) & " GB" & tab after tOutput else --we want the numbers in MB put format("%5.2f",tSpec) & " MB" & tab after tOutput end if if (tWire > 99) then --we want the number in GB put format("%5.2f",tWire/1024) & " GB" & tab after tOutput else --we want the numbers in MB put format("%5.2f",tWire) & " MB" & tab after tOutput end if put format("%8s",tPageIn) & tab & format("%8s",tPageOut) & cr after tOutput --virtual memory titles put " Application " & tab & " Time " & tab & "% CPU" & tab & "% Mem" & tab & " Real " & tab & "Virtual" & cr after tOutput --gets the current logged in users UID (normally 501) put shell("id -u") into tData --use the UID to list only their processes in order of memory used put shell("ps -mvU " & tData) into tData --we only want a copy of the top 5 put line 2 to 6 of tData into tData --go through each line and extract the info you are interested in repeat for each line tLine in tData --some lines returned include a process ‘’ which doesn't have a .app so to make it simpler for the --regex I add .app at the end of the line if (tLine contains "com.") then put tLine & ".app" into tLine end if --this matchText will extract the time in use, virtual memory, real memory, % CPU, % memory,and Name if (matchText(tLine, \ "\s+\d{3,4}\s\w{1,2}\s+(\d{1,3}:\d{2}\.\d{2})\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+(\d*)\s+(\d*)\s+\W\s+\d+\s+(\d{1,3}\.\d)\s+(\d{1,3}\.\d)\s+.*[.|/](\w*).app", \ tTime, tVirtMem, tRealMem, tCPU, tMem, tName) = true) then put format("%20s",tName) & tab & format("%9s",tTime) & tab & format("%5s",tCPU) & tab & \ format("%5s",tMem) & tab after tOutput if (tRealMem/1024 > 99) then --we want the number is GB put format("%5.2f",tRealMem/1024/1024) & " GB" & tab after tOutput else --we want the numbers in MB put format("%5.2f",tRealMem/1024) & " MB" & tab after tOutput end if if (tVirtMem/1024 > 99) then --we want the number is GB put format("%5.2f",tVirtMem/1024/1024) & " GB" & cr after tOutput else --we want the numbers in MB put format("%5.2f",tVirtMem/1024) & " MB" & cr after tOutput end if end if --matchText true end repeat break —case() —Add Win/Linux here —break end switch put tOutput into msg --tOutput now contains nicely formatted CPU and Memory data that will display correctly in any --app or field that uses mono spaced fonts. SCRIPTSCRIPTSCRIPTSCRIPT _______________________________________________ use-livecode mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription preferences: