
The problem with your second script appears to be here:

        if tAction = "track" then

If I change that to if 1 = 1 then, the file is written to the folder containing 
the script.

What is the URL you are using to access this script?



On 20 May 2014, at 11:50, Nakia Brewer wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am currently trying to learn how to use LC Server scripts and as such am 
> doing some experimenting.
> I have the 2 below examples of which the first works and the second does not.
> I know these are trivial and serve no real purpose but remember I have 
> training wheels on!
> I am using sublime text to edit my LC files (could it be an issue with line 
> endings?)
> This works:
> <?lc
> put $_GET["A"] into tAction
> put $_GET["location"] into thelocation
> put $_GET["clock"] into thetime
> put "This is an error message" into theErrorMsg
> put theErrorMsg into URL “file:error.txt”
> put empty
> ?>
> This DOES NOT work:
> <?lc
> put $_GET["A"] into tAction
>   put $_GET["location"] into thelocation
>   put $_GET["clock"] into thetime
> if tAction = "track" then
>   put “localhost” into tDatabaseAddress
>   put “ua835258_westec” into tDatabaseName
>   put "ua835258_westec" into tDatabaseUser
>   put “thisisafakepassword” into tDatabasePassword
>   put “user_locations” into tTableName
>   put “1” into tUserID
>   put “10” into tSpeed
>   put “user_id,date_time,lat,long,speed” into tFields
>   put thetime & tab & thelocation into temp
>   put tDatabaseAddress & tDatabaseName & tDatabaseUser & tDatabasePassword & 
> tTableName & tUserID & tSpeed & tFields & temp into URL "file:test.txt"
> end if
> put empty
> ?>
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