On 5/15/14, 12:59 PM, Dar Scott wrote:
It is awkward to move off the keyboard while editing a script to
hover over a control in the Object Inspector waiting for it to take
so I can see the name of the property.

You can select go the the General pane in preferences, look for "Property labels are:" at the top, and select "Name of LiveCode property". Then you won't have to wait for a tool tip.

Personally I think the native property names should be shown by default. New users will learn scripting much faster if the real names are always displayed, and if they wonder what a property does, the tooltip hover will display the "plain English" description as a cue.

Basically, whichever option is selected in prefs, the tooltip shows the other one.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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