Is anyone aware of any reference material that discusses strategies for 
architecting your application with the livecode components and their 
implications with the standalone builder.   As an example, I think that most 
people understand the basic concept of building a splash screen as the main 
application and keeping the main logic into a separate stack.  Now actually 
making this happen in the standalone builder and understanding the implications 
is another thing.  By implications I mean, can I use this approach when 
building and IOS or Android application?   I think that the answer is No and 

Another interesting topic is the use of stacks vs substacks and how to bundle 
them all together.  Best practices for where to keep images for all of the 
different screen densities.

I know there are quite a few books and sites that help people get started, but 
I think what I am looking for is more advanced.  It is more strategic and 
architectural.  Is seems that one almost needs to understand what the 
standalone builder is doing under the covers to decide on what strategy might 
be best in each target environment.

Right now I am writing a fairly complex mobile app that has the works, multiple 
stacks, substacks, libraries and I know about all of the bits and pieces, but 
how do you decide the best organization for actual deployment and dare I say 
maintainability.   Also since I have never actually launched an app publicly, I 
don’t know, what I don’t know about the issues ahead of me.

Does such reference material exist?  


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