This message landed in my Spam folder; that, coupled with a sudden rise
in real Spam messages to
my gmail account makes me feel a bit queasy.
No other messages from the Use-List landed in the Spam folder.
JIm; on a personal note; we may have had the odd difference of opinion
in the past, but I assure you I am not marking your posts as Spam :)
On 16/03/14 01:05, Jim Hurley wrote:
Message: 3
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 11:30:06 -0400
From: "Peter M. Brigham" <>
To: How to use LiveCode <>
Subject: Re: New chunks
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
On Mar 13, 2014, at 11:51 AM, Jim Hurley wrote:
I have a poor man?s version that is workable.
However just ran across a sentence in today?s NYT that I will have to include:
(?What they?re offering people is a full stomach and an empty soul.?)
I had dealt with the quote beyond the period and the paren beyond the period,
but not both.
Here's a simple function I've been using. The new LC grammar revisions will
make it obsolete eventually.
function naturalWord tWord
-- strips punctuation from HC-style "words" fore and aft
-- to return something closer to what is normally understood as a word
put "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890" into tAlphabet
-- numerals included to cope with numbers and things like "HTML5"
repeat while char 1 of tWord is not in tAlphabet
delete char 1 of tWord
end repeat
repeat while char -1 of tWord is not in tAlphabet
delete char -1 of tWord
end repeat
return tWord
end naturalWord
It's simple, and therefore somewhat simple-minded -- it will miss some cases,
but I've found it useful.
"Every complicated problem has a simple, easy, obvious, wrong answer."
-- H. L. Mencken
-- Peter
Peter M. Brigham
Hi Peter,
Always good to hear from you. I like your approach, but as you say, it sill
miss some cases, for example: “Don’t’ tell Ms. Fitz-Williams that pi is equal
to 3.15”
I have built an app I find very useful. I do a lot of writing and I often want
to go back to search through a manuscripts for sentences or paragraphs contain
a certain combination of words, in whatever order.
The following app allows one to put any text into a field and search for any or
all words (whole words of patricidal) in a sentence or paragraph in whatever
order, even MS Word with all their curly quotes and apostrophes etc. It handles
decimal numberers and also check for 70 of the most common abbreviations. But
still I am looking forward to LC implementation of these new word and sentence
chunks. No telling how many special cases I have missed.
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