On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 6:27 PM, Richard Gaskin

> I've used the DataGrid successfully on several projects, but today is the
> first time I've tried this and I'm getting odd results:
> I have some form elements which are much taller than the DataGrid control
> itself, and I'm finding that it isn't calculating the heights correctly,
> nor scrolling correctly when using the scrollbar arrows.
> Is this a known limitation, or is it just me?

The height of the form elements should work even if they are taller than
the data grid itself. Unless of course they exceed the ~32,000 limit for
group height that the engine imposes. If the rows don't exceed that height
then my guess is that the data grid is getting confused about the actual
height of content for some reason.

Is each row the same size or is each row a different size? If each row is a
different height then I would first check to see there are any objects in
your row template that are outside the bounds of what the row height should
be after LayoutControl finishes. The data grid is going to look at the
formattedHeight of each row after LayoutControl. If some object in the
template group causes the formattedHeight to be something other than you
expect then it might cause problems.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems
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