Dear List Members.

We are pleased to announce the release of LiveCode 6.6 RC1. This release is
now considered feature complete.

*Warning, this is a pre-release with new features which have the potential
to cause issues. Please ensure you backup your stacks before testing this

*Important Changes*

   1. Tiger support dropped. As of version 6.6-dp-1, OS 10.4 (Tiger)
   support has been dropped from LiveCode. This is primarily for technical
   reasons: In order to support the latest OS X features (e.g. Cocoa -
   LiveCode 6.7 - coming soon) as well as include the newest versions of
   thirdparty libraries (e.g. LibSkia, LibSQLite), dropping 10.4 support was
   required. Users wishing to produce 10.4 compatible executables can still do
   so using LiveCode version 6.5.x (and earlier).

*Release Contents*

   - This development release contains the following changes:
   - 'assert' command (experimental)
   - New **showAll** fullscreenmode.
   - Hi-DPI support for Windows 7/8 and OSX.
   - HTTPS through proxy
   - Image Filtering Updates
   - Graphics Library Update
   - OpenSSL & Encryption Updates
   - Proxy automatic configuration support
   - 'secure socket' command
   - '#!' now recognised by server
   - SQLite support updated and improved
   - Stack scaling
   - OS 10.4 (Tiger) Support
   - 31 bug fixes:
      - *11874 - BinaryDecode wrong on Android*
      - *11858 - Hidden stacks don't update their position when re-shown*
      - *11844 - Stack height limited to screen height*
      - *11841 - The effective revAvailableHandlers of an object sometimes
      contains duplicates*
      - *11836 - MouseLoc returns wrong value if pixelScale set to value
      other than 1*
      - *11816 - Native Android control rects not scaled when set from
      preOpenStack handler*
      - *11814 - Accelerated rendering causes cards to be rendered in the
      bottom left of the screen on iOS Retina devices*
      - *11811 - Cannot take screen snapshot at high resolution.*
      - *11789 - mobileComposeMail only blocks the first time on Android.*
      - *11785 - Option menu with height > 22 draws incorrectly on OSX with
      Retina display.*
      - *11783 - Setting the fullscreenmode on Windows when not fullscreen
      causes text to change.*
      - *11781 - Visual effects can display in the wrong place on iOS on
      Retina devices.*
      - *11778 - averageDeviation returns incorrect result on Mac, Linux,
      iOS, Android*
      - 11754 - Error (invalid bundle) on uploading app to iOS App Store
      - 11753 - Cannot play some video streams on Android
      - 11751 - After selecting an item in an option menu containing
      unicode, the label is corrupted (Mac only)
      - 11732 - <> operator is different from 'is not' operator for arrays
      - 11721 - Crash when taking a snapshot of the template graphic
      - 11720 - SQLite FTS feature doesn't work on iOS or Mac.
      - 11715 - LiveCode crashes if dragsource object is closed during
      dragEnd handler
      - 11703 - iPhoneSetRemoteControlDisplay crashes
      - 11617 - acceleratedRendering will clip the end of long scrolling
      - 11462 - Failing to set image data to the image data of self
      - 11442 - Can't quit LiveCode after setting the securityPermissions
      to "network"
      - 11124 - No error message when external not found when deploying to
      - 11069 - mobileComposeMail attachment missing in Android
      - 10910 - "Crop image" command crashes LiveCode application
      - 10467 - Indenting of scripts can go wrong
      - 10280 - SQLite binary entries are non-standard.
      - 8044 - setting a crop with quotes loses data
      - 5331 - Mac live window resizing is off by default.

*Known Issues*
- Text scaling/clipping on Linux with stack scale set

*Getting this release*
To upgrade to this release please select "check for updates" from the help
menu in LiveCode or download the installers directly at:

*Reporting Bugs*
If you encounter an issue with this release please submit a bug report to
our quality centre:

Warm regards,

The LiveCode Team


Benjamin Beaumont . RunRev Ltd

LiveCode Product Manager
mail : 25a Thistle Street Lane South West, Edinburgh, EH2 1EW
email :
company : +44(0) 845 219 89 23
fax : +44(0) 845 458 8487
web :

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