Hi Matthias,
Your answer wasn't a direct answer to the question. Questions on SO
should ask for a direct solution and answers should contain a direct
Answers like "you should read this" have a very high probability of
being deleted. Posting links, for a purpose other than mentioning the
original source of the answer, make deletion almost certain.
SO wants to be an independent source, where you can find all answers
without having to go to another website. In this respect, SO is even
more strict than Wikipedia.
Don't worry. This happens all the time. It is just how SO works.
Best regards,
Mark Schonewille
Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
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On 2/12/2014 13:06, Matthias Rebbe wrote:
on the 6th i posted a comment to the following question
My answer was:
Runrev offers many tutorials. There are also some about mobile development. I
would suggest you try the following tutorial first
How do i become an iOS developer (this line was a link to tutorial.)
On the 8th my post was deleted. But even after reading the description for "why was
my post deleted. See the help center",
i am not sure why it was deleted.
Was my post not appropriate?
It would be nice if someone could explain. I want to avoid that my future post
are also deleted.
Matthias Rebbe
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