On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 12:09 PM, Jim Hurley wrote:

> Hi Roger,
> Praying on my ego are you?

Um, yes.  :)

> I don't really think I am up to this challenge. I'm not quite sure what is
> needed.
Well, I guess Adobe is in no danger of a LiveCode application competitor
then. /joke   I would love to be able to join the points of multiple
visible poly shapes, for creative endeavors without relying on separate
graphics software.  Unless RunRev themselves implement an auto-trace
feature some day, eventually, perhaps on some future roadmap.

> But here's a thought. It sounds like joining all these disparate parts
> together to form a whole might be helpful. After all, all graphics drawn
> with the pencil, line, curve... tools are just a bunch of joined line
> segments. If you have a bunch of such independent such groups, i'm guessing
> that putting them together might help form the "single new polygon" you
> speak of would be useful.

That sounds logical.

> This stack below show how to join any two graphic segments without
> changing their individual shapes. It uses the handler:
> JoinLines "line1", "line2"
> It preserves the length and angle of each.
> Repeated used of this command will put all your elements together. As in:
>    repeat with i = 1 to N-1
>       joinLines "line" & i , "line" & i+1
>    end repeat
> Of course you will have to define the order in which they are to be joined.
>   go url "
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47044230/Set%20angle%20and%20join%20lines.livecode
> "
> I think I posted a stack that makes uses of these "Line Tools", some time
> ago. RIght now all you  can do is set the points and the location. But it
> would be useful on occasions to set the length and angle, and possibly join
> them together without changing the shape of the bits and pieces. So here it
> is again:
>   go url "
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47044230/Line%20properties%20final.livecode
> "
> Some of the applications in  that stack are a bit frivolous, frivolous but
> fun, like shattering a circle and reforming the bits and pieces into a
> rectangle.

Please replace "frivolous" above with "freaking awesome".  That bouncing
line and exploding circle trick would be excellent in a screensaver.

> Jim
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