The problem is that when on-rev hosting was introduced, everything has been
running fine for more than 2 years. Lots of apps and websites have been
developped and serious problems began to appear last feb/march only, so
all that stuff elsewhere can be quite a job... Besides we were told,
roughly at
the same time as serious problems appeared, that accounts would be moved
to new problem-free servers (which finally brought different problems, at
for us). And last but not least, the interesting thing with on-rev is that
you can
get support on programming issues, something that no other hosting service
provides, at least to my knowledge...

> In light of all the problems with RunRev hosting services, why does
> everyone keep using them?  I've never had a need to do anything other than
> host a simple web site /email but if the host service I used exhibited a
> fraction of the issues and lack of notifications I've seen on this list,
> I'd have moved to another service long ago.
> Pete
> lcSQL Software <>

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