On 09/07/2013 11:23 PM, stephen barncard wrote:
> <snip>
> Safari 6.1 shows us what's in our Mavericks future: More controlling and
> more UI changes that annoy.
> <snip>

Richmond replied:

> Windows, Apple, and even the Ubuntu people are doing this.
> I believe that IF people voted "with their feet" and moved over to Linux
> and other alternatives en masse this would bring pressure to bear on
> Microsoft, Apple and Canonical to stop shoving their rigid vision of the
> future down our throats and do some customer research.
> Richmond.

C'mon guys... Get with the program... This is all part of 'smarter, faster,
simpler' for the new generation. Remember, we are now OLD. On-demand
single-purpose apps, pre-defined choices with specific action support only,
clean and obvious interactivity... i.e. dumbed down, we-know-best,
restricted access, interface controlled usage for the new generation who
live on-line, are time-challenged and whose definition of social interaction
is Facebook and Twitter. It's the future of a brave new world, albeit based
on research of under-30's Silicon Valley focus-groups.

Actually, you can keep it.

(grumble, grumble, mutter, mutter)

Hugh Senior

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