
My suggestion is to post your question on the Valentina Use List, which
I've CC'd.

I haven't done what you want, but the API calls are very powerful and so
would imagine it possible.

Valentina has Binary LINKs, once you figure those out it makes creating and
maintaining data relationships very easy.

Also, Ruslan and the team are VERY responsive to support requests. A while
back I had a project where the data sets remained fairly static but the
LINKs were subject to constant change. At the time you needed to maintain
awareness of the LINKs, individually UNLINK them, then create a new LINK. A
little tedious and prone to error, it would have been so much easier if I
could just UNLINK all records and build the new LINKS from scratch. A
request to Ruslan and now I can :-)


On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 2:03 AM, AC Marketscout <ac.marketsc...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello,
> We are developing a new application using LiveCode.  One requirement is
> that there is some easy way to alter the underlying DB schema, on-the-fly,
> by an administrator, who can then also immediately use it to make front-end
> changes.  I have heard Valentina supports tight integration with LiveCode
> and that this may be possible.
> I’d like to know if this is true, and are there other benefits to using
> Valentina as opposed to something like MySql (which we are also
> considering).
> Thank you,
> AC
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