As Peter has mentioned... something like this will work.

on mouseEnter
   set the lockCursor to true
   set the cursor to hand
end mouseEnter

on mouseLeave
   set the lockCursor to false
end mouseLeave

Kind Regards,

Neil Roger
RunRev Support Team ~

On 31/07/2013 15:48, Ruediger Wilhelm wrote:
I hardly dare to ask this most likely trivial
question to this list.
Why does the cursor not change on my
button script:

on mouseEnter
    set the cursor to hand
end mouseEnter

Thanks to somebody who cares to help!


-----Original Message-----
From: use-livecode [] On Behalf
Of Robert Mann
Sent: Mittwoch, 31. Juli 2013 15:49
Subject: Re: revOnline and Open Source

Oups! i'm surprised. I thought the opposite would be true :: if nothing
specified, it's deemed "public knowledge"?

As far as patents are concerned, once a mechanism is documented on line, it
is deemed to be public knowledge and thus no more patentable (one could do
it but anybody knowing the prior publication and proving it would be able to
challenge the patent).

Now it is true that copyrights protect the actual "wording" you use in a
document, and is applicable to softwares. And copyright applies whether or
not you actually put the copyright logo name and year.

On the frontier :: if the name of the author is not specified in the stack,
then it'll be hard to argue against common knowledge.

Clearly it would simplify to be able to add at the publication step a
corresponding OSS declaration.

I strangely assumed so far that contributions at revOnline were for the
common good, thus freely re-usable common knowledge. Are there any other
folks around who though so?

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