I think "undesirable" is a good way to put it.

I am working round it but, as usual, it's not quite as simple as it might
seem :-(

Here's another little oddity.
The Inspector palette for an object happily lets me add a property to
customkeys with spaces in its name, or any other special character for that
matter.  Problem is, there's no way to get the value of such a property by
referencing it with "the <propname> of ...."  Putting the name in such a
statement with no quotes around it gets a compile error and putting quotes
around it gets a runtime error.

Only way you can do it is put the customproperties of the object into a
variable, then reference the resulting array with the property name as a

On the other hand, you can add a property with special chars to a named
custom property set and access it quite happily with, for example, the
dgProps["row template"].

Pretty inconsistent, wouldn't you say?

lcSQL Software <http://www.lcsql.com>

On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 11:15 AM, Mark Wieder <mwie...@ahsoftware.net>wrote:

> Peter Haworth <pete@...> writes:
> > Bug?
> Well, I think it's undesirable and there are several "fixed" bugs in the
> database (8186, 8501, etc.) dealing with this situation. It's not quite a
> bug because it's documented behavior.
> There are reserved keywords for built-in things that you can't override
> (groups don't have a "style" property), although there's a movement afoot
> to
> allow this to happen (and you chimed in on the discussion several times now
> on the forum). Stay tuned. Meanwhile, you can say
> get the dgProps["style"] of group "Datagrid 1"
> to get what you want.
> --
>  Mark Wieder
>  mwie...@ahsoftware.net
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