
I tried your suggestion of using the clipboardData with text and it worked 
great! Thanks again!

Charles Szasz

On Apr 19, 2013, at 10:58 PM, Igor de Oliveira Couto-3 [via Runtime Revolution] 
<ml-node+s278305n4663674...@n4.nabble.com> wrote:

> On 20/04/2013, at 12:34 PM, charles61 <[hidden email]> wrote: 
> > Thanks. I am aware of but was wondering how to script this in LiveCode to 
> > do this automatically. In the past, I have an option menu where the use 
> > could select font and font size for pasting from an app to a word 
> > processing document. 
> I believe that if you simply use the 'copy' command, it will automatically 
> copy all of the information - including all of the formatting - into the 
> clipboard, including font and fontsize (and style, and colour, etc.). 
> The user then, in their word processing program, can choose whether to 
> "Paste" the copied text (which will also paste all of the copied formatting), 
> or to "Paste and Match Style" (which will paste just the raw text info - no 
> formatting - and then adjust the formatting to match the style in the user's 
> document). 
> I believe that if you want to make sure that the user will only copy *raw 
> text* info - without copying any of the formatting - you can use the 
> "clipboardData" property. 
> If you want the user to be able to copy "some" formatting, but not others - 
> ie., you want them to be able to copy the font and the size, but not the 
> style or the colour of the text - then you will have to roll out your own 
> special "Copy" commands. These commands will likely put the selected text 
> into a variable, 'erase' the unwanted formatting, and then set the 
> clipboardData with the re-formatted text from the variable. 
> I hope these help. 
> Kind regards, 
> -- 
> Igor Couto 
> Sydney, Australia 
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