On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 6:06 PM, Mark Wieder <mwie...@ahsoftware.net> wrote:
> Saturday, April 20, 2013, 4:40:56 PM, you wrote:

>> Is there *any* way to find out the offending other variable when
>> "local name shadows" ??
> That's what strict compilation is supposed to do :-P

Well, yeah, when the other one *exists*.

> A variable, once
> it's used, *is* available in the "local" scope. It's always in memory
> until it's deleted. So locally you could pop up the message box, type
> "global yournamehere;delete yournamehere" and then compile your
> script. But that would only be a temporary fix because you'd still
> have a var name conflict.

even so, it would be nice to have a hint on the rare occasion that
it's correct . . .

> What are you trying to accomplish? Use the variable name as a local
> var and *not* as a global one?

Nope; just fighting a bug in strict compilation, it seems.  But
sometimes it's possible that the same name was indeed used in one of
hundreds of scripts . . .

> It's a good idea to usse a naming convention and start your global var
> names with a "g" prefix and *never* start local var names with "g"
> (use a different prefix for local vars). Then you won't run into this
> kind of conflict.

I'm slowly getting there--but there's zillions of variables in use
from before I was doing that . . .

> But anyway, in the script editor type control-F, then click the More
> button that appears at the bottom. Change the scope to Stack Files and
> you'll get a list of everwhere that var name is used.

Does this work for anyone? Peter's suggestion of the "other" find is
what worked for me.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(702) 508-8462

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