Thanks, Pierre. The 'title' and 'body' keys in the 'data' payload
section did the trick. I'm not getting any badge or sound (yet) - still
looking into it.
Here's a LiveCode version for anyone interested (and a little json encoder)
on mouseUp
# devices to send to (up to 1000)
put "<your device token>" into tTokenA[1]
# data element of payload
put "New updates available" into tDataA["title"]
put "There are 3 new updates..." into tDataA["body"]
put 3 into tDataA["badge"]
put "default" into tDataA["sound"]
put "100" into tDataA["score"]
put "35" into tDataA["time"]
# build payload
put tDataA into tPayloadA["data"]
put tTokenA into tPayloadA["registration_ids"]
put "3" into tPayloadA["badge_value"]
put "SplashCloud" into tPayloadA["collapse_key"]
jsonEncode tPayloadA, tPayload
# headers
put "Content-Type: application/json" & LF into tHeaders
put "Authorization: key=<your key>" & LF after tHeaders
set the HTTPHeaders to tHeaders
# had a couple of errors that were resolved by setting/resetting
this flag :/
#libUrlSetSSLVerification true
# send the notification
post tPayload to url ""
put it into tResponse
put the result into tResult
put the seconds & LF & tResponse & LF & LF & tResult
end mouseUp
# encode array in JSON format
command jsonEncode @pArray, @pJson, pDeep
if pDeep = empty then put empty into pJson
put the keys of pArray into tKeys
repeat for each key tKey in pArray
if tKey is not an integer then
put true into tTextKeys
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if tTextKeys then
put "{" into tOpen
put "}" into tClose
put "[" into tOpen
put "]" into tClose
end if
put tOpen after pJson
put 0 into tIndex
repeat for each line tKey in tKeys
add 1 to tIndex
if tIndex > 1 then put comma after pJson
if tTextKeys then put quote & tKey & quote & colon after pJson
put pArray[tKey] into tVal
if tVal is an array then
jsonEncode tVal, pJson, true
else if tVal is a number or tVal is a boolean then
put tVal after pJson
else if tVal = empty then
put "null" after pJson
replace quote with "\" in tVal
replace "\" with "\\" in tVal
replace "/" with "\/" in tVal
replace numToChar(8) with "\b" in tVal
replace numToChar(9) with "\t" in tVal
replace numToChar(10) with "\n" in tVal
replace numToChar(12) with "\f" in tVal
replace numToChar(13) with "\r" in tVal
repeat for each item tCode in
replace numToChar(tCode) with "\u" & format("%04X", tCode)
in tVal
end repeat
put quote & tVal & quote after pJson
end if
end repeat
put tClose after pJson
end jsonEncode
On 30/03/2013 19:45, Pierre Sahores wrote:
This script works ok in about displaying what's needed instead of "Notification
received" ($abstract) :
$registrationIDs = Array(###devices###);
$title = "###title###";
$abstract = "###abstract###";
$payload = "###payload###";
$badge = "###badge###";
$apiKey = "###authent###";
$url = "";
$fields = array(
'registration_ids' => $registrationIDs,
'collapse_key' => 'abcdef',
'data' => array('title' => $title,
'alert' => $abstract,
'body' => $abstract,
'payload' => $payload,
'badge' => intval($badge),
'sound' => 'default'
$headers = array('Authorization: key=' . $apiKey, 'Content-Type:
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($fields));
$result = curl_exec($ch);
echo $result;
but, on the other side, i can't get any sound to play when the message arrives
on the device. Any toughs welcome :-)
Le 30 mars 2013 à 19:11, John Craig a écrit :
I've added iOS and Android push notifications to a stack I've been working on.
When sending notifications to my android device, the message displayed when the
notification arrives is 'Notification received'. Does anyone know how to
change (if possible) this message to something more meaningful - I've not found
this so far in google's docs.
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Pierre Sahores
mobile : 06 03 95 77 70
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