I've got a cron job running on on-rev that checks for new LiveCode questions on stack overflow. If there are new questions it hasn't seen before, it emails me the details as a digest (see output below). I can set up an email list if anyone is interested - or even post to this list. The cron job can be modified to run every minute, every hour, etc. , but only sends a report when new data is available.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Stackoverflow : new LiveCode questions
Date:   Sun, 10 Mar 2013 17:38:21 -0500
From:   ro...@splash21.on-rev.com
To:     j...@splash21.com

Can I use iphoneSetDoNotBackupFile on a folder of files rather than individual 
Asked by Monte Goulding
URL: http://stackoverflow.com/q/15316457

Are LiveCode gradient to,from,via properties relative to the object or card 
Asked by Monte Goulding
URL: http://stackoverflow.com/q/15307005

How do I add annotations at coordinates from a database to a mergMK map in a 
LiveCode app?
Asked by Monte Goulding
URL: http://stackoverflow.com/q/15303948

LiveCode negative "firstIndent" - or other way to achieve the effect?
Asked by Ben Rubinstein
URL: http://stackoverflow.com/q/15299002

LiveCode field level input validation
Asked by Roger Eller
URL: http://stackoverflow.com/q/15297875

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