This seems to work:

Make a stack with a button having this script, then click the button. It will 
bounce around in a normal distribution in H and V coordinates.

on mouseUp

   local tSD,tMean,tPoint,tStartPoint

   put the loc of me into tStartPoint

   put the width of this window div 6 & comma &  the height of this window div 
6 into tSD

   put the width of this window div 2 & comma &  the height of this window div 
2 into tMean

   put BoxMullerDist(tMean,tSD) into tPoint

   set the loc of me to tPoint

   wait 1 second

   set the loc of me to tStartPoint

end mouseUp

function BoxMullerDist pMean,pStdDev

   local tU,tV,tX,tY

   put random(100)/100 into tU

   put random(100)/100 into tV

   put sqrt(-2*ln(tU))*cos(2*pi*tV) into tX

   put sqrt(-2*ln(tU))*sin(2*pi*tV) into tY

   return item 1 of pMean + tX*item 1 of pStdDev & comma & item 2 of pMean + 
tY*item 2 of pStdDev

end BoxMullerDist

You can tweak the range by setting tSD to div 4 to hit the edges more often. 
You can tweak the center point by shifting the mean, but you will go off the 
edges sometimes if you shift too far.


Walt Sumner
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