On 15/02/2013, at 7:09 AM, Ben Rubinstein <benr...@cogapp.com> wrote:

> On 13/02/2013 20:53, Monte Goulding wrote:
>> On 14/02/2013, at 7:48 AM, Pierre Sahores <s...@sahores-conseil.com> wrote:
>>> Less than 70 peoples to pledge at least for £ 640 ? Seems reasonably 
>>> impossible, is't ? Do we all needs to act now to encourage confident new 
>>> pledges along the two for coming weeks ?
>> Yes... I don't personally understand why the numbers at that level are so 
>> low given what a good deal it is even if it were unrelated to going open 
>> source and all the benefits that will bring.
> I think it's a good deal - if you want that stuff.  I've got Colin's book and 
> the mergExt set, I don't happen to want a mobile phone sleeve, SQL Yoga or 
> Animation Engine, and so on, and while I might want a boxed copy signed by 
> the team, I can't justify spending my company's money on it.

Right... I did wonder if this was an issue. Have you seen my statement on 
mergExt and this level. The mergExt year will be added to the end of your 
current time so combination of LiveCode + mergExt alone is quite close to the 
cost of that level. 

Besides that there are benefits to the kickstarter campaign that you CAN 
justify as a significant benefit to any company reliant on LiveCode in any way:
- the improvements to LiveCode that will be a direct result of the refactoring
- the extensibility of the platform enabling you to implement or have 
implemented more edge cases than is currently possible
- the growth in the community which will bring with it many new developers 
allowing you to subcontract at cheaper rates and/or find local experienced 
- a small down-payment on the many hundreds/thousands of freely contributed 
hours of development time by open source contributors on the platform you rely 

Also there are two extras from me if £ 640 sells out of it's 1000
- I will implement a CoreBluetooth external. If your not sure what you might do 
with this then take a look at: http://redbearlab.com/bleshield/
- My promise that the mobile sockets funding I have received will be used first 
to look into the blocker for mobile sockets in the engine then only implement 
an external as an alternative

Then there's the fact that nobody gets any of this stuff if the campaign 
doesn't succeed.

Plus you get the other stuff ;-)


Monte Goulding

M E R Goulding - software development services
mergExt - There's an external for that!

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