I'm pretty sure that everybody on these lists (sorry for double posting) wants 
the LiveCode Open Source project to succeed. You've probably already pledged 
what you can (or are going to make your pledge soon). You'd possibly like to 
help but don't know how.

Well I think there is a way everybody on his list could help. It won't cost 
anything, you don't have to start calling up people to persuade them to make a 
pledge. All it will take is a few minutes.

I really believe that people who've never used Hypercard, Metacard, Revolution 
or LiveCode just don't understand how useful LiveCode can be and haven't got an 
idea what you can do with LiveCode. I feel that we need a way to show them the 
value of LiveCode. We need to spark their imagination so that they feel that 
LiveCode would be of use to them.

I've started a very simple blog, 1001 things you can do with LiveCode. It's at 
http://livecode1001.blogspot.com .

I've come up with the first use of LiveCode. Can you help me come up with the 
next 1000?

All I need is a short paragraph describing something do with LiveCode and a 
screenshot. (I'll give full credit to all contributors unless you ask 

It's a small thing but it may make a difference.


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