Very clever!!


  jim schaubeck                               714.321.4499

 From: J. Landman Gay <>
To: How to use LiveCode <> 
Sent: Friday, December 7, 2012 7:58 PM
Subject: Re: Password Field - Mark Schonewille
On 12/7/12 6:57 PM, Andrew Kluthe wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been using Mark Schonewille's password field in some of my
> stacks for a while. So far it has done the trick, but I found out
> recently that it doesn't like to play well with the number keys on the
> right of the keyboard. Are there any other password fields I could
> leverage or some basic tips for catching keystrokes from the number
> pad?

My favorite way to do this is with a trick posted by Bill Marriott some years 
ago. It acts like any other field, accepts any normal field input from any 
keyboard or input source, allows all editing functions, user selections, etc. 
and still hides what the user types. You can get the text just like you do from 
any field.

Here's what he said:


Here is what I thought was a very simple solution to that:

1) Include a tiny image (such as a 10x10 pixel padlock) in your stack. I
named mine "tinyPadlock."

2) Attach this script to the field used for password entry:

on keyUp
    -- enable masking of password during entry
    lock messages
    lock screen
    repeat with i = 1 to the number of characters in me
        if the imagesource of char i of me is not "tinyPadlock" then
            set the imagesource char i of me to "tinyPadlock"
        end if
    end repeat
    unlock messages
    pass keyUp
end keyUp

This handles whatever someone might do in the field, masks their input, and
still allows you to access the content of the field as if the password
masking was not used.


I usually use a little bullet image.

Caveat: It does fail if you leave the copy or cut menu item active. If a user 
can copy the images, the original text will be revealed when pasted somewhere 
else. Disable "copy" and "cut" when the field is in use.

-- Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
HyperActive Software           |

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