Hi all,

Am 20.11.2012 um 22:14 schrieb Andrew Kluthe <and...@ctech.me>:

> There were some cool externals that someone posted recently to play
> using Windows Media Player and another that uses VLC to play media
> files. I haven't used it but it sounds nice. Search for XMediaPlayer
> on the list. I believe it was made by Klaus.

no, I did not make them, I only gave some info here on the list that they exist.
Sorry, still no news about if and when they will be published.

> Regards,
> Andrew
> On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 2:48 PM, Richard Gaskin
> <ambassa...@fourthworld.com> wrote:
>> Unfortunately the usefulness of LiveCode's use of the native Win player is
>> dependent on the needs of the application.
>> For example, unless there's been a recent change, LC can play movies fine
>> using the native Win media engine, but only if you play from the beginning
>> of the video; if you need control over the startTime you're out luck unless
>> you use QT.
>> I've been hoping for a change to the obsolete MCI interface LC uses for
>> native Win video for many years, but I'm not aware of a change to that thus
>> far.
>> --
>> Richard Gaskin
>> Phil Davis wrote:
>>> Hi Paul,
>>> I believe on Windows you can just set the dontUseQT to true and set the
>>> filename of a movie object to your favorite movie, and it should play.
>>> You don't need QT on Windows unless you're trying to play QT movies.
>>> Phil Davis
>>> On 11/20/12 12:08 PM, Paul Dupuis wrote:
>>>> Does anyone out there have a solution for playing WMA/WMV file in
>>>> LiveCode under Windows?
>>>> Under OSX, you can use the Flip4Mac add-on to Quicktime and LiveCode's
>>>> quicktime based player will play Windows WMA/WMV file in Livecode under
>>>> OSX. Perversely, Flip4Mac is not available for Windows and Quicktime for
>>>> Windows does not play Windows WMA/WMV files and since LC uses Quicktime,
>>>> no joy for those formats under Windows.



Klaus Major
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