It doesn't look like this will happen in the short term folks. It's not that 
it's not possible. It just doesn't appear that the funding will be there. The 
mergExt business model rubs some people up the wrong way unfortunately. If 
anyone can come up with a business model that gives LC developers what they 
need to meet specific requirements, keeps prices low enough so that people can 
use it and can cope with a very low volume of sales then I'm all ears. Until 
then this is all I'm able to offer the LC community. For what it's worth this 
external only needs about $350 worth of funding to get off the ground.



On 17/11/2012, at 5:57 AM, Mike Kerner wrote:

> Monte, I would also be interested in the capability you are describing.

M E R Goulding 
Software development services
Bespoke application development for vertical markets

mergExt - There's an external for that!

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